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24-25 Academic Year Textbook Lists

You may access all the books necessary for each grade level by clicking on the links below.  Please read any notes and specifications next to the books to ensure you order the correct books. 
When ordering, please keep the following in mind:
  • Please note that all Kindergarten-8th Grade Armenian, Armenian History, and Religion books are available at our Eagle Store.  
  • For most of the books, we have provided two or three possible links to purchase the books.  When appropriate, we ask that you use the first link, "Publisher Link", as that is the most accurate and readily available stock.  We have also provided Amazon links under the 2nd column, however, please note, that there's limited stock and items do not always come with digital access if needed.
  • For grades Kindergarten-5th when purchasing books from McGraw Hill publisher.
    • If this is the first time ordering from McGraw Hill, you will need to create a “Parent/
      Student" account after adding products to your cart.
    • Use Promo Code STOREFRONT25 to receive a 25% discount off the listed price from McGraw Hill.
  • Please note, that in the absence of a direct publisher link, we have utilized Abe Books as a source for some of the books. If you do not wish to purchase from there or Amazon, you can always utilize the ISBNs to find the books elsewhere.
  • When purchasing books from the Savvas publisher, please make sure you put in the school's zip code - 90027 and pick "Alex Pilibos Armenian School". Once you follow those steps, you can find the books required for specific grade levels by utilizing the grade drop down feature on the top right hand side. 
  • For grades 7th-11th, when purchasing math books from Savvas, please make sure to purchase both the book and the 1-year digital courseware. 
  • For grades 9th-12th, please do not purchase the AP book if you are not enrolled in an AP class.
  • For grades 7th-12th, when purchasing books, please note the "Section" column next to each book. If the word "All" is indicated, all students must purchase that book. If the word "Regular", "AP", "MAPP", or other is specified, please make sure you are enrolled in that section before purchasing. You can always check your requisite classes on your Infinite Campus portal.